Our Profile
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Our Vision
- Quality professionals visualize itself as a preferable service provider in the field of Inspection by providing a Quality solution, Prompt response & Total customer satisfaction.
- Quality professionals endeavor to establish itself ahead in Advance NDT Technology.
- Our vision is to be world class NDT organization to provide Technical Services, Training, Research & Development, and developing Quality Professionals.
- We obey(Respect) all statutory (Law of the Land) and regulatory requirements related to the environment, safety and health applicable to our products and services.
Our Mission
- Our mission to focus on for providing the reliable NDT, QC & Welding services to the Oil & Gas industries, Manufacturing Sectors, Power Sectors, Fertilizer sectors, Transport Utilities, Infrastructure development.
- We dedicated to develop our self in advance NDT techniques like ToFD & Phased Array examination with automatic scanning.
- We at Quality Professionals to develop world class training programs with practical exposure to our students to craft them as Professional engineers..